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Solecitos has decided to continue its support to the Juan XXIII shelter for vulnerable children in Calarcá – Colombia.
You will find the details (categories and prices), of the projects realized, in progress and to come, under the tab “About“ – “Activity reports“ – “Projects/objectives“.
You can discover in the Report Info Refuge Juan XXIII, the history, functioning, objectives and missions of the Juan XXIII refuge. In summary, this shelter welcomes boarding school children, from 8 to 17 years old, who are victims of sexual abuse and physical and psychological mistreatment. A day-care programme also takes in children of the same age whose parents are no longer able to provide for the child’s primary needs.
It must be noted that the shelter’s financial situation does not always allow it to cover the programmes, activities and requirements of ICBF (Colombian Institute for Family Welfare – the government body that licenses shelters and places children in them) as it would like.
We have therefore decided to continue to help this refuge, notably with projects that we wish to perpetuate. For example :
To continue the therapeutic accompaniment with the specialized neuropsychologist that we have hired to diagnose the children on their arrival, to follow them weekly, to orient the educators and to provide them with continuous training. With three years’ hindsight, we can now say that this is a programme that is fully satisfactory and is very important for these vulnerable children in social distress.
USD 6’500.00 per year
Personal staffing for boarding children (clothes, shoes, hygiene products) to be renewed every six months – ICBF requirement (ICBF = Bienestar Familiar, a government agency that places children in approved shelters that meet the requirements).
For 80 interns (girls and boys)
USD 6’000.00 per year (which represents USD 75.00 per child)
We also have other examples of project funding :
At the Juan XXIII vulnerable children’s refuge in Calarcá, Colombi, for the following amounts, we are able to:
we can offer a child from the refuge a 2/3 day outing to a recreation center (transportation, accommodation…).
we can provide the necessary material for 1 child to participate in the handicraft workshops for 1 year.
we can offer a child artistic courses for 6 months.
we can provide a child with all the necessary school supplies for 1 or 2 semesters.
Major construction project to accommodate 45 girls indoors
Accommodation situation for female boarders prior to construction
When it was created, the Juan XXIII refuge only took in boys in boarding school. It was only at the beginning of the 2000s that the refuge began to take in young girls (aged 8 to 17) in boarding school. In order to take charge of these programs, the shelter’s management had to look for a house outside the site, due to a lack of space in the existing buildings on the site belonging to the shelter. In the end, a house was rented near the village of Barcelona, 17.5 km from the Calarcá shelter, to house the girls in boarding school. The Juan XXIII Institution pays a rent as well as all the expenses inherent to this relocation, for the rent of the finca “El Eden” which accommodates on average about thirty girls.
These costs are considerable for the shelter and unfortunately restrict certain cultural and educational activities, of course to the detriment of the children. We have asked Doña Emeris Perez Garcia, director of the Juan XXIII refuge, to list and quantify the costs exclusively due to this relocation. The monthly costs amount to a few thousand dollars (see details in the attached construction report).
To sum up, if we take up the current costs exclusively due to the relocation to house the young boarding girls of the Juan XXIII shelter, the construction we describe will be amortized in 36 months.
2019 – Implementation of our construction project to accommodate 45 young girls who are victims of abuse and mistreatment
It is with great emotion that we can announce that we have realized a dream for these vulnerable young girls. Indeed, the year 2019 will have been a great year for our association, even if at times we went through a rather rough emotional lift, if we overcame countless administrative hassles, the final result of this construction remains magnificent and it will remain in all memories for a very long time.
We invite you to browse through our “Final Construction Report” which you will also find under REPORTS and through which we detail all the stages of this project (study – financing – organisation – plans – building permits – modifications during construction – inauguration – etc).
Many thanks to all of you, because without your support, we would never have been able to carry out this wonderful project in favour of young girls who are victims of abuse and mistreatment.
How to make a donation?
Wire transfer:
Banque Raiffeisen – Région Genève Rhône
N° IBAN : CH11 8080 8007 4540 8421 6
N° clearing : 80181
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In accordance with the instructions of the tax administration, from CHF 300.00 donation, we automatically issue you a certificate of tax deduction valid in all Swiss cantons within the cantonal limits. For the amounts below, we do it very easily on request. Your contact details are essential to send you your tax statement. By writing to us, you have the right at any time to modify or delete your personal data. Your personal data is intended for the exclusive use of Solecitos and will not be exchanged, rented or sold.