Support us in confidence!
Solecitos, Swiss Association of assistance and protection for vulnerable children and in social distress is an association recognized according to the Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Code of Obligations.
Our financial management is structured on 7 detailed tables with accounting documents for each operation. Each year, the completeness of our management is postponed to the Tax Administration of Geneva, via an approved trustee. On request, the mentioned management is always at your disposal.
It is important for us to remember that all our private spending on place are of course to our personal responsibility and do not in any way affect the donations received. These are exclusively and entirely used to perform and carry out the projects.
A few examples among many other…
To the refuge of vulnerable children Juan XXIII, Calarca in Colombia, for the following price, we are able to:
offer to a child of the refuge, 2/3 days in a recreation center (transport, accommodation…)
provide the necessary equipment to 1 child so that he can participate to a craft workshops during 1 year.
offer to a child, art courses during 6 months.
provide to a child, all school stationery needed for 1 semester.
In addition, we try to perpetuate projects and actions that we have already put in place and which are essential for these children of the Refuge Juan XXIII in Colombia. Such as:
Continue with the neuropsychologist specialized that we have committed to diagnose the children upon their arrival, to follow therapeutically, guide educators and ongoing training. With a decline of 2 years, we can now say that it is a program that gives full satisfaction and which is very important for these vulnerable children and social distress.
USD 6 500.00 for one year
Personal subsidy for children internal (clothing, footwear, hygiene products) to renew each semester – Requirement ICBF (ICBF = Bienestar Familiar, a government agency which place the children in the shelters licensed and that meet the requirements).
For 80 internal (girls and boys)
USD 6’000.00 per year (which represents USD 75.00 per child)
How to make a donation?
By bank wire transfer :
Banque Raiffeisen – Région Genève Rhône
N° IBAN : CH11 8080 8007 4540 8421 6
N° clearing : 80181
Respect for your privacy
In accordance with the instructions of the tax administration, from CHF 300.00 of donation, we deliver you automatically a certification for the tax deduction valid in all Swiss cantons in the cantonal limits. For amounts below, we do it very readily on request. Your coordinates are indispensable to send you your tax statement. By writing us, you have the right at any time to change or delet your personal data. Your personal details remain to the exclusive use of Solecitos and will neither be exchanged, rented or sold.